tms delivers Priority from O2’s most successful campaign yet

A snowglobe with the text

When Priority from O2, the UK’s largest mobile network provider, approached tms to design their biggest and most ambitious instant-win Christmas campaign, the brief was clear: capture the festive spirit and delight Priority members with a unique experience.

The campaign began with a strategy to create a new and distinct promotion that aligns with O2’s wider purpose-driven efforts. The result was a snow globe-themed digital experience, which invited O2 customers to “Enter a world of magic” for the chance to earn thousands of rewards.

To play, Priority members could open the Priority app and click the “Enter a world of magic” reward to reveal their unique entry link – players could then “shake” the snow globe by tapping on the screen, and reveal their prize. From 100,000 sweet treat vouchers at Greggs to £10,000 shopping sprees, players had a range of enticing prizes to win.

This campaign was a real showcase of our ability to deliver impactful work for Priority. After delivering tangible results towards O2’s KPIs, we hope to continue delivering even more standout work in the future as creative partners.

Nick Canavan
Account Director at tms

While the campaign ran for only two weeks, it achieved unprecedented success, actively engaging 681,000 unique users. In total, there were 1.8 million plays throughout the run, surpassing the benchmark of the previous campaign that ran for a week and a half longer. Over the course of the Christmas 2024 campaign, 100,000 prizes were awarded among  Priority members.

Explore more of our portfolio, including our work this past year for adidas.

Progression of Priority O2 promotional phone screens